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Layering and tailoring financial services for resilience

Layering and tailoring financial services for resilience

Document Type: Projects and Case Studies

The role of financial services in supporting resilience and adaptation to climate change is frequently discussed in policy and practitioner forums and increasingly assessed in research
studies. Financial services, both formal and informal, have been recognised as crucial for managing livelihood risks, preparing for and recovering from shocks, and increasing productive investments; thus reducing poverty and promoting economic development. At the same time the importance of considering medium and long term climate impacts in financial service interventions and the potential of some products, such as microcredit or agricultural insurance, to increase vulnerabilities by introducing debt burdens or incentivising maladaptation
in farming practices have been highlighted.

Climate services for resilience: the changing roles of NGOs in Ethiopia

Climate services for resilience: the changing roles of NGOs in Ethiopia

Document Type: Projects and Case Studies

The current and expected impacts of climate change are influencing government policies and services as well as donor and NGO activities. The shifts have been influenced by the ‘resilience agenda’ whereby actors seek to reduce vulnerability and strengthen resilience as a means to mitigate climatic challenges. A focus on resilience has required a much more diverse engagement, as the interrelationships between climate, health, poverty and wellbeing are increasingly recognized. This has made programming more complex. Within these changes, climate information services have received greater emphasis.

Climate services for resilience: the changing roles of NGOs in Burkina Faso

Climate services for resilience: the changing roles of NGOs in Burkina Faso

Document Type: Projects and Case Studies

The growing focus on resilience in the context of climate change and international development has led to a push for more integrated approaches to planning for and responding to climate change, managing disaster risk, and addressing broader development challenges. Included in this move is an increased emphasis on the use of climate and weather information in decision-making. Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) across Africa and Asia have responded accordingly, and are increasingly acting as brokers, and sometimes producers, of climate information services as part of their “resilience building” programmes (Jones, Harvey & Godfrey-Wood, 2016). To enrich our understanding of these trends, this study traces the emergence of climate services as a core element of resilience programming and explores how development NGOs are contributing to the climate services system in Burkina Faso.

Case Study: For the community, by the community: Building resilience through infrastructure in rural India

Case Study: For the community, by the community: Building resilience through infrastructure in rural India

Document Type: Projects and Case Studies

The Resilience Shift exists to inspire and empower a global community to make the world safer through resilient infrastructure. More people than ever depend on the critical infrastructure
systems that provide essential energy, water, transport and communications services, and underpin food, healthcare and education. When this infrastructure fails the consequences can be

Supported by Lloyd’s Register Foundation and Arup, the Resilience Shift provides knowledge and tools for those responsible for planning, financing, designing, delivering, operating and maintaining critical infrastructure systems. Our aim is to ensure infrastructure systems are able to withstand, adapt to, and recover quickly from anticipated or unexpected shocks and
stresses – now and in the future.

Building Resilience and Adaptation to Climate Extremes and Disasters (BRACED)

Document Type: Projects and Case Studies

As stated under goal one of the Sustainable Development Goals, building the resilience of the poor and those in vulnerable situations is vital to end extreme poverty – as is reducing their exposure and vulnerability to climate-related extreme events and disasters. We know that these vulnerabilities, when combined with other shocks and stresses, presents significant barriers to development progress and economic growth.