
Kenya4Resilience (K4R) Community of Practice (CoP) is a network that seeks to build resilient communities across Kenya through co-creation, collaboration, capacity building and rooted advocacy.

The history of the K4R CoP dates to a Resilience Workshop organized by the Swedish Mission Council (SMC) in Nairobi in March 2018. Driven by the need for collaboration, partnerships, knowledge and experience sharing in the field of resilience, 10 founding CSO’s came together and designed the K4R CoP, which was officially launched in February 2019.

Today, K4R is a vibrant Community of Practice building on each individual member’s expertise and focus and brings together a comprehensive forum for resilience actors to share their expertise with others. We also participate actively in advocacy processes and policy review at national and county level, and act as a platform to support cross-member collaboration on all matters relating to resilience, climate adaptation, disaster risk reduction and sustainability.


What we strive for:

Our goal is to contribute to Building Resilient Communities in Kenya.

To contribute to the substantial reduction of disaster risk, loss of lives, livelihoods and health and in the economic, physical, social, cultural and environmental assets of persons, business, communities and countries as indicated in the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (SFDRR) expected outcome by 2030.

What we do:

We enhance the capacity of CSO’s/partners working with resilience in Kenya to ensure they are better positioned and equipped to build communities that though bend, do not break in light of hazards and vulnerabilities.

Our capacity development focuses on:

  1. Increasing members’ knowledge on resilience.
  2. Shaping their attitudes by members sharing experiences, knowledge and skills for experiential learning.
  3. Enhancing collaboration of resilience focused interventions & innovations among CoP members
  4. Increasing CSO’s participation in formulation and implementation of resilience-related policies/actions especially the Sendai framework at different levels (county-national-regional/global).
  5. Influencing their practices to integrate resilience in program development, management and evaluation.