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Exploring links between financial services and climate resilience: evidence from Myanmar

Exploring links between financial services and climate resilience: evidence from Myanmar

Document Type: Reports

The Rapid Response Research project seeks to gather information on households’ resilience to climate extremes and its determinants. Under the wider Building Resilience and Adaptation to Climate Extremes and Disasters programme, a series of mobile phone surveys were conducted in Hpa-An township, eastern Myanmar.1 This report lays out early findings from the analysis of survey answers, focusing on access to financial services and emergency funds.

Enhancing women-focused investments in climate and disaster resilience

Enhancing women-focused investments in climate and disaster resilience

Document Type: Reports

As climate and disaster risks increase, they affect the lives and livelihoods of millions of people, especially the marginalized. For various interrelating factors, women are more vulnerable to the
impact of disasters and climate change. Women are often poorer than their male counterparts and have lower levels of economic participation. In Asia, women account for two thirds of the poor and 80% of all people living on under $2 per day (UN Women 2018). Women’s economic activity is highly concentrated in agriculture, the sector highly vulnerable to the impacts of disasters
and climate change. On the other hand, evidence shows that women lead resilience strategies that deal with disaster- and climate-related shocks and stresses, especially at the local level. In many cases, women exhibit leadership as beneficiaries of government’s propoor development programs; and as active members of community-based organizations working closely with local governments, civil society organizations, and the private sector to address adaptation efforts.

Characteristics of a Resilient Community

Characteristics of a Resilient Community

Document Type: Reports

Characteristics of a Disaster-Resilient Community is a guidance note for government and civil society organizations working on disaster risk reduction (DRR) and climate change adaptation (CCA) initiatives at community level in partnership with vulnerable communities. It shows what a ‘disaster-resilient community’ might consist of, by setting out the many different elements of resilience. It also provides some ideas about how to progress towards resilience.

Building Resilient Communities. Risk Management and Response to Natural Disasters through Social Funds and Community-Driven Development Operations

Building Resilient Communities. Risk Management and Response to Natural Disasters through Social Funds and Community-Driven Development Operations

Document Type: Reports

The Toolkit “Building Resilient Communities: Risk Management and Response to Natural Disasters through Social Funds and Community-Driven Development Operations” is designed to help Task Teams on World Bank social funds and community-driven development (CDD) operations to identify disaster risk management issues in their programs and projects and to design and implement appropriate responses. It introduces the concepts and components of Community Based Disaster Risk Management (CBDRM) and their key relationship to the achievement of
the development and poverty reduction objectives of the World Bank. The contents draw upon the experience of social funds and CDD operations, as well as international good practice, to identify operational areas where social fund/CDD operations have a comparative advantage for achieving successful results in reducing natural disaster risks and impacts on poor and vulnerable communities. The Toolkit also provides guidance from past and current social fund/CDD operations about the most effective ways to manage operational challenges when implementing CBDRM activities, such as the rapid mobilization and scaling up of emergency response operations.

Building Disaster Resilient Communities Good Practices and Lessons Learned

Building Disaster Resilient Communities Good Practices and Lessons Learned

Document Type: Reports

This publication is a joint effort of the “Global Network of NGOs for Disaster Risk Reduction”, an emerging network of national and international NGOs aiming to reduce disaster risk worldwide. The idea of publishing a compilation of good practices in Community-Based Disaster Risk Reduction (CBDRR) has come out from a consultative meeting held with the core members of the “Global Network of NGOs” in Geneva, in October 2006.