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Resilience Policy- Bucks New University

Document Type: Policies and Frameworks

Buckinghamshire New University is a professional and creative university, shaping higher education for the benefit of people and employers. The University’s mission is to put its students first and work responsively with the very best partners to influence, inspire and nurture talent for professional and creative careers. The University has students and employees dispersed across its High Wycombe, Uxbridge and Aylesbury campuses, Missenden Abbey, and its halls of residence. Additionally, a significant number of students are accommodated in tenanted accommodation. Employees and students regularly travel both within the UK and overseas and a proportion of international students are attending educational programmes at the University. The University also hosts many visitors and guests at its sites during and outside normal operating hours and periods.

Oxfarm – A Companion Guide to Resilience

Oxfarm – A Companion Guide to Resilience

Document Type: Policies and Frameworks

Asia is experiencing unprecedented change. Some of these changes are bringing undeniable benefits, such as the millions of Asians being lifted out of poverty by economic growth, and the soaring accessibility of information technology. Other changes are increasing the vulnerability of many portions of the population: climate change, the rapid increase in the number of disasters, political instability, and escalating inequality.

Linking financial services and social protection for resilience: lessons from Kenya

Linking financial services and social protection for resilience: lessons from Kenya

Document Type: Policies and Frameworks

Climate-related shocks and stresses threaten people and communities around the world, compounding existing poverty and vulnerability and undermining long-term development. National and international actors are searching for new and better ways to help people deal with increasing climate risks and, in turn, support long-term resilience. One potential way of doing this is to facilitate access to, and use of, adequate financial services such as savings, loans and insurance in underserved communities. This allows people to prepare for, cope with and adapt to shocks and stresses (Moore et al., 2019).

Community Based Resilience Analysis (CoBRA) – Conceptual Framework and Methodology

Community Based Resilience Analysis (CoBRA) – Conceptual Framework and Methodology

Document Type: Policies and Frameworks

Over the last decade, the drylands of the greater Horn of Africa (HoA) have been affected by repeated drought-related disasters. The most recent drought crisis in 2010-2011 has generated a major reconsideration about how development and humanitarian actions can be better coordinated so as to minimize the impacts of shocks such as drought on lives and livelihoods. In this context, the term ‘resilience’ has gained much traction amongst Governments and other agencies working in the region. This is largely perceived as a positive step, since it helps fill in the gaps of traditional risk and vulnerability oriented approaches, extending their focus to potentials, opportunities and capacities of disaster-prone populations to cope with inevitable future shocks and stresses.

Community Based Resilience Analysis (Cobra) – Implementation Guidelines Version 2

Community Based Resilience Analysis (Cobra) – Implementation Guidelines Version 2

Document Type: Policies and Frameworks

The frequency, duration and extent of natural hazards and man-made crises are on the rise at the global level. This
challenge has put the humanitarian system and resources under considerable pressure in the past decade. Climatic
shocks and protracted conflict-related stresses often take a toll governments and communities’ development efforts
in many countries