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DAC Recommendations on the Hum-Dev-Peace Nexus_Feb 2019

DAC Recommendations on the Hum-Dev-Peace Nexus_Feb 2019

Document Type: Policies and Frameworks

The Development Assistance Committee (DAC) Recommendation on the HumanitarianDevelopment-Peace Nexus was adopted by the DAC at its Senior Level Meeting on 22 February 2019. At the centre of strengthening the coherence between humanitarian, development and peace efforts, is the aim of effectively reducing people’s needs, risks and vulnerabilities, supporting prevention efforts and thus, shifting from delivering humanitarian assistance to ending need. This will be critical in reducing the humanitarian caseload, and ensuring that we meet our collective pledge of “leaving no-one behind”. This requires the engagement of a diverse range of actors, based on their respective comparative advantage, a shared understanding of risk and vulnerability and an approach that prioritises ‘prevention always, development wherever possible, humanitarian action when necessary’. This approach should also be supported by the right kind of financing, drawing from diverse funding sources to ensure that the right resources are in the right place at the right time.


Document Type: Reports

Sida has worked actively during the last years to strengthen synergies between humanitarian and development support, including peacebuilding, in order to enhance resilience of crises-affected and vulnerable people, communities and societies. Humanitarian support and development cooperation need to be coherent and mutually reinforcing, while respecting and safeguarding humanitarian principles.



Document Type: Tools

While the world has seen a global decline in extreme poverty over the last decades, poverty is increasingly concentrated to situations affected by armed conflicts, fragility and complex protracted crises. OECD/DAC estimates that as many as 80 % of people living in extreme poverty may live in fragile and conflict-affected countries by 2030 if their situation still are unaddressed.

ICVA_Nexus_briefing_paper (Low Res)

Document Type: Tools

USAID Policy – Program Guidance – Building Resilience to Recurrent Crisis: Dec 2012

USAID Policy – Program Guidance – Building Resilience to Recurrent Crisis: Dec 2012

Document Type: Policies and Frameworks

While we cannot stop shocks from happening, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) can – and must – do more to help people withstand them. USAID has been in the vanguard of international momentum to support country and
regional plans and build resilience to recurrent crisis. Through this policy and program guidance, we will leverage the broad range of our institutional capabilities to implement innovative programmatic approaches to promote resilience. Through these
efforts, we will draw on our mandates to provide lifesaving humanitarian assistance and longer-term development assistance (including our Development Assistance, Global Health, and Economic Support Funds accounts).