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Framework for community safety and resilience
Document Type: Policies and FrameworksDisaster risk reduction (DRR) offers a major contribution to the building of safer, resilient communities. Central to this is the focus on communities and specifically communities that are at risk from regular and new disaster impacts. We know that we have been implementing DRR for some years now, but with the world becoming increasingly unsafe, it is important that we try to build on the foundations of previous endeavours and do more of what works and is effective. We also need to be more systematic in what we do as well as enhancing what we are doing to ensure that the basic objectives of safety and resilience are being addressed.
Cordaid 2020 Resilience localisation policy brief
Document Type: Policies and FrameworksLocalisation and local leadership in development cooperation and humanitarian assistance aim to make development and humanitarian work more effective and relevant. Localisation ensures that those who are nearest to the crisis and those who are most affected, have the required prevention, preparedness and response capacity. This enables them to respond quickly and appropriately. Localisation therefore refers to transformative, structural changes at the local, national and international level to change the ‘who is in the lead’.