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Climate Action Pathway Resilience and Adaptation Action Table

Climate Action Pathway Resilience and Adaptation Action Table

Document Type: Tools

Chart of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction

Document Type: Tools

There is a need for focused action within and across sectors by States at local, national, regional and global levels.

Challenges for resilience policy practice

Document Type: Policies and Frameworks

Resilience has a long history but has emerged in the past decade to become a more widely adopted concept to underpin policies and projects, particularly in international development contexts. This working paper summarises some of the challenges and debates based on a review of recent academic literature. The paper highlights the multiple and sometimes conflicting ways in which resilience is interpreted. This same diversity that prompts critiques is seen as a strength by others, bringing together otherwise disparate groups, institutions, disciplines and scales.

The Road to RESILIENCE Converging Actors, Integrating Approaches

Document Type: Reports

The RESILIENCE workshop on the integration of Disaster Risk Reduction, Climate Change Adaptation and Poverty Reduction was held on November 24th, 2011 at the Brussels Info Place (BIP).
It was organized within the framework of RESILIENCE, a EuropeAid-funded project implemented by a consortium formed by CARE Nederland, Groupe URD and the University of Wageningen.

Tackling the climate crisis

Tackling the climate crisis

Document Type: Reports